Wanna cut my hair as short as this....

My church is giving me more and more ministry . A few are been taken up without my knowledge. They just text me and tell me that i'm what and what leader and need to come for meeting. Mission team is the 1st one. But since is been a month already so i accepted it. But now come again as leader to serve as "zhao dai yuan" in fellowship from Mac until June. Sms me asking me to go for meeting this coming Sunday. And i don't even now who is the 1 sms to me...Last night, one of the.. don't how to call him...cause coufuse with they position and the term that they used. Just call him the head of youth fellowship. He came and asked me to do him a favor. He asked me to join the Malay ministry. As Malay teacher. And just now i received my friend's message asking me to join a course from church. I feel like wanna take all of these but i know i'm not gonna do it well if i do it together. Unless, i really really put a lot of effort on them...But i'm lacking of time to rest. And most of the time i enjoyed been alone. Private time. What to do?
i'm hungry now=.=
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