Sunday, September 4, 2011

women should ? or shouldn't ?

I read an article on Today On Sunday. Here it is.

I take great pleasure in being a woman, but there are so many expectations from society on what i should or shouldn't do. I heartily agree with some of these impositions, but consider others downright insulting.

For example, women should know how to cook.
Many of us have ambitions to be hugely successful in our careers.  With our competitive working schedules, there isn't much time left to learn domestic skills. (except those learnt from their mom).

Women should be more decisive.
Honey, the only things guaranteed in life are death, taxes and change. So accept it, a woman will keep changing her mind several times a day.

Women should mean it when they say everything's fine.
That's true.  Why expect the poor fellow to read your mind.  He can't even find his clean socks, or know when he's done something wrong (again), so put him out of his confusion and guide him.

Women shouldn't get drunk.
I disagree with that when i'm sipping a nice wine, but agree wholeheartedly when i see a woman crying (usually over the ex), having someone hold her hair back while she throws up by the side of the road, or getting carried out of the cab. A woman who imbibes elegantly is a lovely sight to behold.

Women should know how to drive.
Guys tell me that they want to be picked up and chauffeured sometimes.  I believe it's necessary for a woman to be independently mobile whenever she wants, or be able to take the keys of his Audi and drive off. Forever.

Women should wax.
As far as i know, men are hairy gorillas.  But they never say that men should wax.  Yet even the most hirsute would eye a woman's barely-visible leg fuzz and remark with disdain, "wah, so hairy".  I agree that dark stubby hair on women's limb and maybe underarms could do with some waxing.  But that's as far as it should go, guys.  Stop trying to make her look like she's 12.

And, finally, woman should use sex as a weapon.
Absolutely.  How else can we get you to do the things you'd never volunteer for, like life that heavy luggage onto the top shelf, kill the cockroach hiding in the cupboard, or stop face-mailing your hot ex-girlfriend?  It's a win -win situation when we reward you for your good behavior, because we both feel deep satisfaction.

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