Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I keep on feeling sleepy lately during working hour. The tiredness especially reflected on my eyes, barely can open my eyes… Should sleep more at night time. Get on bed a little bit earlier again perhaps.  

Due to the work boredom, I looked up for something to refresh myself by facebook-ing =.=  

Saw the videos from Tempting Heart Studio, a famous video shooting company for wedding at my hometown. I could recognize many of the brides and bridegrooms. Is like “Wow…this guy finally gets married”, “Harr…this lady kahwin to him ah”, or “Woaw, I know this guy, he is freaking rich!” or “Wah, she is younger than me leh, why look like me younger than her…” something like these in my mind.  I describe it in a cultured manner here. Actually in my mind there are a bit exaggerate tone.

Mostly I know are those-i-can’t-remember-their-name-but-know-them-during-some-of-my-study-times. I think mostly are around my age or younger.  I guess is because my home town is a small place, people really get married not at the old age. Pretty obey with the traditional norm. I mean most of them. Ohya, talking about that, yesterday my mom told me a story of one of my primary tuition mate. (her mom is my mom’s friend too, but her mom is as fierce as tiger, no good people. Why? Because she always scolded me when I couldn’t close her car door tight which I suspected that it was her car problem. Am I was the 冤大鬼for her to let off her bad temper. It lasted for a year, some more I was only in primary, and my mom paid for the ride.) 

Okay, back to my tuition mate. She ran away with a Kuching guy and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Her mother claimed that they signed the marriage certificate (no wedding ceremony, no announcement). But now the guy left her. She now came back to my hometown and stayed with her parents and her wage now is barely enough to cover her children’s daily expenses. Which mean, her parents need to help rise up the two kids.  

The moral of the story are:-

* Parents play a vital role in rising up their children. Especially as a role model to show how love & responsibility work in life.

* Follow a guy only if he is willing to go through all the complicated wedding preparations and proper ceremony. Dumped the guy if he doesn’t want/not dare to meet your parents.

* If you are not pretty, please feed your brain with knowledge. Thick make up won’t cover the blemish of your “no brain”

* Only if you can provide basic needs to your offspring, you can go ahead to intercourse. Otherwise, please learn to DIY

To be frank, I am sorry for her. And I am grateful for what I have now. Although I did not always do well in appreciating my life, but I will keep learning non stop.

Besides, I saw a lot of my church friends getting married. Well, this is a happy scene for me. Fellowship friends, then couples, then getting married. Too fast the time pass, too bad I couldn’t catch up to witness any of them walking down the church. I never witness a church wedding before. Luckily there is Tempting Heart Studio putting up the video, I can still name the church by the design of the concrete building in the video. And it saves my time to witness a wedding ceremony.

Done! 6.00pm, going back home.z z Z Z

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