Is funny nowadays more and more people having "play the groom" culture when getting married. Those videos that we can easily access on the web, well, especially on facebook, are all the same. I mean the same damn fucking games and the ancient tactics. Yes, some of it really have caught up meaningful scenes on screen, which were really worth to share with.
But there are some "tactics" that i hardly approved...
One of it is the idiot "vow"
What's wrong with the bridge's brain? You really think by writing those unreasonable "everything-belongs-to-you-agreement" and asked the groom to acknowledge it with a lips mark will gonna make your marriage goes smooth? And make your life easy? Really? All the money goes to you blindly? Do you really think you will benefit on it? Oh C'mon girl! If he is sincere, he will always be sincere. If he is not, he will NOT no matter what he has promised UNLESS you made it a legal document and get a proper lawyer to do it for you like the celebrities out there, but then again, what's the meaning of getting married? Is your marriage, NOT your so called 好姐妹's (or i called 鸡婆) playground. Asked them fuck off to play with their own partner!
Okay, if you're just having it to kill time to make your marriage ceremony more "meriah", which is so superficial and yet you never thought something wrong, probably your chosen groom will enjoy it with you too. Well, have fun then. Indeed good couple.
If you think "Oh, this is the only last time for you to play hide and catch with your partner and you kinda wanna let him know that it's not easy to have your heart, he has to appreciate you and what so ever", again, IF HE IS SINCERE, HE WILL ALWAYS. IF HE IS NOT, NOT MATTER HOW MUCH PATTERN YOU PLAYED, YOU GOT NOTHING IN THE END STILL.
Am sure if you love your husband, you won't want him to keep on disturbed by your "好姐妹" on his big day. Remember, is not only you having a big day, so does he.
If you're having the mindset that he is the one "untung", then don't botther to married hIM! Since you feel so "rugi" by thinking that he's "untung-ing"
No offence, if you like it, just go ahead. After all is your marriage and is your life. Above are just my personal view. And i kept it so long already,真的是一吐为快!