Friday, February 6, 2009


Just went out from my supervisor's room. Thank god that i finally came out with my questionnaire. Last Wednesday i had been scored by her like shit... After all the 'serious modification' (according to her is very serious la), finally can pass it.

What should i do now is go and find a fax machine to fax my letter. I rent the car already, is around 2pm. Since nana had her lunch, so i just stay at lab to surf on internet till 2.

Meet with Raymond in msn, talk about lately life here, complaining about him and my bad luck since i backed to u. I noticed that he's not an ideal partner as well. Or maybe because we are just friend, so he didn't showed any "sincere consolation" but just keep on kepo-ing on things that happen to me. Haiz, this is what it call man!

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