Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 2 at Singapore.
Settled with accommodation.
Know how to take the bus to the nearest MRT.
burst out my tears when i met with Sharon.
It felt like finally i got someone that i could rely on.And all the hard works finally got a return by receiving her huge and tight hug.
It took me so much time to reach any of the destinations, and i really not used to it.
Standing in the MRT for almost 30 stations for going and returning, and some more time to wait for the crowded bus to go home.
My poor instinct to get direction forced me to be extremely alert at all the time and tried hard to memorize the building so that i know where and when i should press the bus bell to stop the bus.
Did all the groceries shopping alone at small stall beside my blok.
Grudgingly in this big city.
Becoming an expect in comforting myself.
Am too tired to type out my feeling.

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