Saturday, March 26, 2011

I couldn't sleep! Just took the drug for curing my running nose, need some times to get me fall asleep again. Am waiting.....

It was all last night's fault. I took the drowsy drug then sleep for around 12 hrs. Ended up awoke in the afternoon.

Thought it is late enough to sleep but lying on my bed, my mind is swimming here and there and i'm still extremely awake! Plus hungry.  My mind went through a lot of things. Thinking about my hometown, my BM teachers who gave me $ to support me, UNIMAS, Jonathan and how to get rid of him again. Aha!!!! This time got another man. Anthea's friend, who sounds interested on me because of my mata sepet. Just weird. And i talk to Heavenly Father again..about all these and for something unsolved, i asked for answer again.

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