Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm not old. I'm not in the need to get marry so desperately.
Others are different with me. They have stable mate. They are in love. And they are looking forward to build up a family. They choose to start a new phase of life after they start working half or 1 year.
My career life has just started. I have no one to fall in love with now and i'm not in the mood to do so too. Looking at the wedding photos and video clips, i couldn't see any man's's all blank. But i know i can make the photo stunning by only me inside it.
You know what, no one else can control my life, even me.
I have strong blind faith that He has plans on me. Big plans. And it's definitely the perfect plans for me.
So go away all the useless and pointless temptations. All you have is beautiful surface. That's it. The rest are all diseased.

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