Saturday, March 19, 2011

Physically? Mentally? or spiritually tired?

I think 3 of them influencing each other.
1st spiritually not strong enough to uphold me, so mentally i feel like something is missing. Like nothing can satisfied my life. Then physically i would feel tired cause everything seems like not going smoothly or not according to what i want.

Plus there are no friends here. (Except Sharon la but she's always busy and in stress mode) i mean not the 1 that i can truly open up my heart to be with ya. Even though last night i went to have steamboat with my roommate and the food were to die for and the journey was fun but still i think that the people are not right. Building up a new strong friendship is not easy. Not to say relationship of course. When i was enjoying my steamboat, i would think "how nice if xxx can be here to enjoy the food with me. And that would be fun enough for us." "And we could go and explore those nasty shop selling those adult's arousing devices...of course for fun and curiosity.

And be here i have to be careful all the time to not putting myself into any temptations. And people here too. Need to have wisdom to make friends here. So life is much more complicated than previous 1, need to be watchful all the time.


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